Trophy Whitetail Bowhunt
Classic Outfitters offers quality Alberta bowhunts for Trophy Whitetail Deer.

Hunting Techniques
Hunting is done from portable tree stand sites. Several different locations are hunted to use the wind efficiently and avoid overhunting stand sites.
Due to the sensitivity of the trophy whitetails, alternate stand sites are placed for different wind conditions to allow hunting without disturbing natural travel patterns.
Hunting Area
Fully guided trips take place in the Edmonton bow only area which is never open to rifle hunting. As a result, hunting is for the world’s largest farmland whitetails which offer the archer an excellent chance for success. Many bucks grossing more than 155 inches inhabit the area as well as some bucks scoring in excess of 170 points. The average weight of mature bucks is 230 lbs. with the largest in excess of 300 lbs. Alberta has very little residential bowhunting pressure as there are only 16,000 bowhunters province wide.

Bowhunting for Alberta trophy whitetails is not easy. Success usually depends on the individual hunter’s dedication and effort. Good preparation and hard work are essential for successful hunts.
Our guides are dedicated to bowhunting. Hunting is done at the hunter’s pace, not the guide’s. Assistance is offered in all aspects during your hunt. Classic Outfitters operates a no tobacco / no alcohol, serious bowhunting camp.
Our fully guided hunts include guiding, accommodations, meals, as well as preparation of game (excluding butchering) for exporting. Gratuities for guides and staff are at the hunters discretion and are not included. There are no hidden costs.
A deposit is required to book a hunt. Deposit and license fee is required in advance to reserve the hunter’s place. All deposits and correspondence should be sent by regular mail only. (no express post, couriers or UPS) Balance of the payment is due by August 1st. In the event of cancellation by the hunter, deposits are not refundable but may be transferred to a replacement hunter. Hunts are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. booking, liability, and hunt information will be forwarded to hunters once deposits are received.
License costs are not included in the booking fee of any hunt. Licensing arrangements should be made in advance as permits are purchased prior to the hunter’s arrival.
Licensing fees for U.S. citizens are approximately $475.00 U.S. The exact license amount will be advised to hunters in the ‘Classic Reminder’ which will be sent prior to the hunt.
Flights to Edmonton are booked at the hunter’s cost and responsibility. Flights must be booked to arrive at least one day prior to the first day of the hunt and to depart the morning after the final day of the hunt. We assume no responsibility for hunting time lost due to delays or missed flights so it is suggested that hunters consider arriving an extra day in advance.
Classic Outfitters is licensed, bonded and insured. We exercise the utmost level of safety on our hunts. We are however, NOT responsible in any way for any costs or expenses incurred, or injuries, loss of life, delays, losses, or damages suffered by any person or sustained by any property either before, during or after the trip, or in traveling to the location of the trip, for any reason whatsoever, however caused.
Classic Outfitters has 2 policies in effect on whitetail bowhunts.
- The first is a 155 inch minimum policy, where all bucks taken must gross 155 inches. If a hunter takes a deer less than 155 inches, it’s a $1000 fee, with the exception of mature bucks, which are non-typical or losing size due to age.
- The second is a wounding policy, regarding any buck which is non-fatally hit. In either case, if a hunter wounds, it’s a $500 fee (U.S.) that is paid to the ‘Whitetail Habitat Fund’. Fees are strictly non-profit and go back into the resources. This Whitetail Habitat Fund is about bowhunting ethics and looking after resources.
- Classic Outfitters adheres to all rules and regulations in order to offer fair ethical hunts.
- Ethical shooting is required on all bowhunts. This will include no head-on, straight away or quartering to shots. All animals must be stationary and all shots must be within 40 yards. Bowhunters are expected to follow shooting ethics.
- Hunts are to be ethical, principled and respectful towards the very animals we are hunting.